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The Poly-Stage Precipitator provides a practical way to comply with the new pollution control codes, economically – at minimum capital expenditure and minimal operating expense. Future expansions and altering requirements can readily be accommodated.

High Efficiency – Low Operating Costs
The Poly-Stage Precipitator operates at less than 2 cents/hr/10,000 CFM. Power consumption is less than 100 Watts/1000 CFM. Minimal pressure drop is maintained at less than 0.6″ WG allowing existing ducts and blowers to be used.

Applicable to Many Industrial Processes and Reclamation’s
The Poly-Stage Precipitator system will reclaim particles and aerosols as small as .01 microns from process emissions common to modern industrial and chemical operations. This reduces air contamination and permits reclamation of valuable components and re-usable liquids.

Compact Modular Design
The Poly-Stage Precipitator system is designed with multiple functional modules assuring efficient operation at low voltage and constant operation during portional outages. Our engineers design and arrange modules to suit each specific emission problem.


  •     Textile Finishing
  •     Vinyl Floor Tile
  •     Plasticizer Coating
  •     Rubber Curing
  •     Printing
  •     Vinyl Calendering
  •     Plastic Extruding
  •     Screw Machine Shops
  •     Food Processing
  •     Cardboard
  •     Table Cloths
  •     Shower Curtains
  •     Welding · Operations
  •     Machine Shops
  •     Photography Labs
  •     Potato Chip Manufacture
  •     Smoke Ovens
  •     Forging Shops
  •     Heat Treating
  •     Coffee Roasting
  •     Plastic Screening